Consider this… The End

As we quickly approach the end of the liturgical year, we hear about the end times. This week and next weekend focus our attention on being prepared for when Jesus Christ comes in his glory. The question that will be asked of us is, are you ready? Being ready means that we appreciate and value every single moment of life. We give our very best to each day, realizing that it is a gift we don’t want to take for granted.

 The other day I was having a conversation with a  parishioner and we discussed how the pandemic has changed a lot of attitudes. When you ask people how they are doing, often times the answer is pessimistic; ok, surviving, just another day, etc. Where has the appreciation gone for the value and joy of each day? Certainly, the pandemic challenged us in many ways, but it was also a reminder that God definitely needs to be a part of our lives because we are not in control of as much as we like to believe.

 What is our attitude to each day? Do we find value in it? Do we appreciate it? Do we see each day as an opportunity? If we understand that we need to be ready for the end times, then it means we make each moment count.

 As we move quickly through November, this month is an opportunity for us to wake up and realize the blessings that are a part of our daily lives. Thankfulness needs to take priority in our lives so that the blessings we receive take a front seat in our mind and displace the challenges and pessimism of the world. This also fits right into praying for our faithful departed, recognizing their blessing to us.

In the end we have to recognize that each moment counts. Each moment is an opportunity for gratitude and  recognition of the blessings in our lives. If we let circumstances change the fabric of who we are then we are wandering from the eternal nature of our humanity in Jesus Christ.

The next time someone asks how you’re doing, consciously think about that question. Does your answer reflect the answer of a believer? Does it reflect our gratitude and appreciation for all we have? Does it embrace the love that is shared with us by our loving God? The great thing for believers is… there’s never an end… there’s eternity!


On a side note, one of the projects that needs dire attention is our chapel. The peeling paint and stained walls require attention. We have a unique opportunity to have the chapel painted by Christmas and decided to go for it. The funding for this was going to be asked for by our Giving Tuesday campaign, that you will be hearing more about, which happens the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. (November 30). Starting November 15th, all Masses will be moved to the church until further notice so they can concentrate on painting the chapel. If you are interested in helping to pay for this much needed effort to complete this project, checks can be made out to St. Mary’s and in the memo section please mark chapel painting. It will be wonderful to experience a new vibrancy in our beautiful chapel for Christmas!

Keep Smilingsmile

  Fr. Bryan